"For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord is Lord of all and rich to all who call upon Him; for 'whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.'" – Romans 10:12-13
We are really excited to meet everyone arriving to Cambridge, as well as all the returning faces, and we look forward to seeing you soon!
You can find us during Freshers Fair (Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd October) on Parkers Piece – we have an outside pitch this time! Grab your free pizza and chicken from the other stalls and come and find us and stay for a chat (hopefully we’ll have our little blue marquee up!) – look out for the banners up for the Bible Reading Challenge and for Christians at Uni.
Join us for the Freshers Week welcome dinners and Bible studies – Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, all in Robinson College, room J8, at 6.30pm. See the schedule of events for where and when everything is, below!
Do get in contact with us for any info regarding Bible studies and opportunities for fellowship in Christian homes and various other places around Cambridge.
We’re really excited for the start of the new academic year in Cambridge and look forward to meeting you! Come and find us during ARU Freshers Week on the corner of East Road and Broad Street. We’ll be giving away free Bibles, signing people up for the 30 day Bible Reading Challenge, and letting people know about our Bible studies and club activities. Do come along and meet us and join in with the singing!
Every day of Freshers Week, the Christian families near ARU have opened their homes for us to join them for home cooked dinners and a short Bible study! Meet us at the corner of East Road and Broad Street Monday to Friday at 6pm and we will walk over together. If you are a new (or returning) student, you are welcome to join one / all of these times. The Bible studies are designed to be a series, but don’t worry if you can’t make them all – we can always meet up and have a mini Bible study together another time.
If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch – details above.
Autumn University Conference
3rd-5th November, 2017
Quinta House, Oswestry, UK
What is the University Conference?
The Uni Conference began in the 1990s when Christian students from around the UK met together to spend a weekend in God’s Word and to encourage one another in their student witness on their various university campuses. Fast forward to the present, and this conference now takes place twice a year, once in the Autumn and once in the Spring, and has become a special time for groups of representatives from most of the major UK cities and universities, from all over Europe, and even from further afield to be gathered together, to dive into the Word of God with fellow students, and to have their hearts enlarged for what the Lord is doing beyond the city and country where they live and study.
The conference typically takes place in Christian conference centres in the UK such as Cefn Lea, Ledbury, Bower House, and Quinta Hall, where accommodation and meals are included as part of the conference package. The Spring 2017 conference was a landmark event with the conference taking place at De Hoof in the Netherlands, the first time it was based outside the UK. This opened the doors for many more students from the mainland European countries to attend, and the prayer is that will continue so that each year there could be one conference in the UK and the another on the continent, allowing many more the opportunity to join these special times.
Who comes to the conference?
The conference is primarily for university students (both undergrads and postgrads) and those who are university-aged (i.e. recent graduates are welcome to come back!), and is also open to those aged 16 and over who are in A Levels or equivalent (parent consent is required). The majority of those who attend the conference are Christians. Those seeking to know more about God and His Word, the Bible, are also invited to attend.
Just in the past year, registrants have come to the conference from:
Within the UK and Ireland: Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Cardiff, Chelmsford, Coventry, Dublin, Durham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Gloucester, Lancaster, Leicester, Leeds, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Northampton, Norwich, Nottingham, Reading, Sheffield, Southampton, and Southend-on-Sea
Mainland Europe: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland
Even further afield: Australia, China, Colombia, Egypt, Honduras, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Israel, Mexico, Malawi, Malaysia, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, and the United States
As you can tell, this is a special opportunity to be with students from many different backgrounds and even different languages, and to see and experience the Body of Christ. It also means that if you have friends in other cities or even countries, you can invite them to register and to meet you at the conference!
What happens at the conference?
Each conference has a particular theme – the theme for Autumn 2017 is The Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus. The conference goes from Friday dinner time to Sunday lunch time and the schedule consists of lots of singing, messages based on the conference theme, and small group times so everyone has the opportunity to participate and fellowship. The accommodation and meal arrangements are also good times to get to know other students from different places, and are included in the registration fee along with pickup shuttles and conference materials. During the afternoon there is free time for activities such as badminton, basketball, football, hiking, etc, and this time can be used to rest or study if needed.
What’s so great about the conference?
There’s something to be said about taking a break from everything and going away to a “high mountain” (and when we go to Wales, we literally are in the mountains!) to be with the Lord. During these times, many testify that they receive a fresh vision of the Lord and what is on His heart, have a deep enjoyment of the Lord in His Word and in the Spirit, and experience being built up together with those they go to the conference with (travelling together and staying together) and also those they meet at the conference. Most importantly, during the conference there are many opportunities to take walks with the Lord and for personal prayer and reflection, and it is these intimate times with the Lord that can be real landmarks in our Christian experience and walk with God.
Please pray and consider before the Lord whether you would like to join us to go to the University Conference in Shropshire from 3-5 November, and register onunistudents.eu. Thedeadline is this Wednesday, 25th October 2017, and the registration fee is £75. If the only thing holding you back is finances, please get in touch (cambridgechristianstudents@gmail.com) as there is a bursary available.
Join us on Tuesday and Wesdnesday for our welcome dinners and introductory Bible studies (you can come both days) and come again for our weekly Friday dinner and Bible study (this term we will be looking at the book of Philippians). On all three days you can find us in Robinson J8 at 6.30pm. We plan end by 8.30pm, but have the room booked for longer for those who have time to chat over dessert. If you can’t make the whole time, don’t worry, just come for when you can.
All the dinners are free, thanks to some wonderful Christian families who live nearby. These wonderful families also invite us to join them in their homes for dinner, singing, fellowship (and also games!). If you’re interested in visiting a nearby home on Thursday and/or Saturday evenings, get in touch.
If you have any questions or need any help finding us, don’t hesitate to ask.
We’ve had a really fantastic week out at ARU, meeting new students, sharing the Good News, and spending time together in such a “Jesusly human” way! Thanks to everyone who participated, including those from Cambridge Uni, and an especially big thanks to the wonderful, loving families who have been cooking for us, praying for us, and welcoming us into their homes!
With the semester beginning in earnest and things about to get busy, this is just a reminder to keep looking away to Jesus and resting in Him! And don’t forget we’ll be meeting together at ARU every Tuesday at 5pm in Coslett 107. This semester we’ll be talking an in depth look at the Gospel of John, so come along each week to enjoy the Lord’s word, which is spirit and life (John 6:63)!
This whole week in the ARU welcome meetings we are looking at Our Common Faith – the items of the faith that all Christians believe in, concerning the Bible, the divine Trinity, the person and work of Christ, our need of salvation, and the church! We are really excited to be getting into these topics this week, as it is by our being clear concerning the common items of the faith and focusing on these that we can be one despite coming from many different backgrounds!
“To Titus, genuine child according to the common faith: Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Saviour.”
– Titus 1:4
This afternoon’s welcome Bible study will be at 5pm in Coslett 108, and we will be looking at the wonderful person of Christ. The Bible reveals that Jesus Christ is both the complete God and the perfect man. He possesses both the divine nature and the human nature. It is because He is both God and man that we can believe into Him and be saved. This wonderful Person wants to live inside of us!
We hope you can join us today at 5pm to get to know this wonderful Person together!
(Today we are in Coslett 108, and the rest of the week we will be in Coslett 107.)
The sun is shining, it’s the start of a new semester, and if you can join the Bible Reading Challenge you can read the Gospel of John in only 30 days (and get a prize at the end)!
How it works
It’s very simple…
Step 1: Sign up for the challenge and we’ll put you into a group (using WhatsApp, or some other form of communication) with a few others.
Step 2: Then simply read the Gospel of John according to the schedule – it takes just 5 minutes a day or less. Note: You don’t have to meet together to read, although you can if you want to.
Step 3:Send a message to your group with your favourite verse, or whatever you enjoyed from your reading.
Step 4: Claim your prize!
Why join?
Joining a Bible Reading Challenge group is a really encouraging way to read through the Gospel of John in just 30 days – the WhatsApp or Facebook groups keep us accountable to one another, as well as being an enjoyable way to share what we are touched with from our reading. God’s word is spirit and life (John 6:63) and brings us light (Psalm 119:130), and we hope that as we all take part in the Bible Reading Challenge this year, we would get to know God and grow in Him more!
Some groups from last year enjoyed it so much that they continued to read the Bible and share their favourite verses throughout the rest of the year 🙂
Ok, sign me up!
Get in touch and let us know you’d like to join the challenge!
We’re really excited for the start of the new academic year in Cambridge and look forward to meeting you! Come and find us over the next few days on the corner of East Road and Broad Street. We’ll be giving away free Bibles, signing people up for the 30 day Bible Reading Challenge, and letting people know about our Bible studies and club activities. Do come along and meet us and join in with the singing!
Hi everyone! We hope this will be a portal for news and updates regarding the Bible studies and our enjoyment of Christ as students in Cambridge! Please feel free to submit (to cambridgechristianstudents@gmail.com) any sharing from the recent Bible studies or from your own personal enjoying of Christ in His word. “Each one has!”