Welcome dinners and Bible studies in Cambridge

We’re really excited for the start of the new academic year in Cambridge and look forward to meeting you! Come and find us during ARU Freshers Week on the corner of East Road and Broad Street. We’ll be giving away free Bibles, signing people up for the 30 day Bible Reading Challenge, and letting people know about our Bible studies and club activities. Do come along and meet us and join in with the singing!

Every day of Freshers Week, the Christian families near ARU have opened their homes for us to join them for home cooked dinners and a short Bible study! Meet us at the corner of East Road and Broad Street Monday to Friday at 6pm and we will walk over together. If you are a new (or returning) student, you are welcome to join one / all of these times. The Bible studies are designed to be a series, but don’t worry if you can’t make them all – we can always meet up and have a mini Bible study together another time.

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch – details above.

So ends ARU Welcome Week!

We’ve had a really fantastic week out at ARU, meeting new students, sharing the Good News, and spending time together in such a “Jesusly human” way! Thanks to everyone who participated, including those from Cambridge Uni, and an especially big thanks to the wonderful, loving families who have been cooking for us, praying for us, and welcoming us into their homes! 

With the semester beginning in earnest and things about to get busy, this is just a reminder to keep looking away to Jesus and resting in Him! And don’t forget we’ll be meeting together at ARU every Tuesday at 5pm in Coslett 107. This semester we’ll be talking an in depth look at the Gospel of John, so come along each week to enjoy the Lord’s word, which is spirit and life (John 6:63)! 

PS: for pictures from the past week, see our new Instagram account: @cambridgechristianstudents.